chargeur batterie Lithiume 5S 21v 100A
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FixeDescription de l'annonce
11/02/2025 21:27:00
Neuf jamais utilisé
Arduino Store vous propose chargeur batterie Lithiume 5S 21v 100A
1.This protection board is 3s 4s 5s in common use lithium battery protection board (you can adjust for how many strings to be used), the default delivery is 5S ternary lithium.
2.Specified chip, stable performance, support disconnection protection, over-current protection, over discharge protection, overcharge protection, with balance, etc.
3.Common use for “same port” and “different port”, the protection board uses 15 high-power of ultra-low resistance MOS tube (discharge of 8, charging of 7), in the same port mode can support the discharge current 60A, charging current 60A; different port mode discharge current 80A, charging current 60A.
4.Can use for LMO、Ternary lithium battery、LCO(3.7V)battery packs etc.
FOR Li-POLYMER LiMnO Protect Parameter(3.6V/3.7V)
Single cell battery overcharge protect voltage : 4.21-4.29 V
Single cell battery overcharge protect recover voltage : 4.14-4.24 V
Overcharge protect delay : 1.5-2.5S
Single cell battery over-discharge protect voltage : 2.72-2.88 V
Single cell battery over-discharge protect recover voltage : 2.9-3.1 V
Over charge protective current:100A
Over discharge protective current:100A
Over-discharge protect delay : 0.5-1.5S
Temperature protect : Yes,have Temperature control interface.
Disconnect protect : Yes
Shortage protect : Yes
Shortage delay : 100-600 uS
Shortage protect recover mode: Off load release.
Contact discharge current:80A
Synopline discharge current:60A
Charging current:60A
balance function:yes
Ampere balance (Current) : 60MA
Current balance accuracy : 4.14-4.24V
Package incldue:
1 x 21V 100A 5S BMS Li-ion LMO Ternary Lithium Battery Protection Circuit Board
ARDUINO Raspberry Pi
Afficheur OLED 0.96
Micro SD carte
optique Infrarouge
Shield Cnc v3 A4988
Radio FM Stéréo
horloge RTC ds3231
NodeMcu Lua ESP12E
Rythme Cardiaque
programmateur CH341A EEPROM
Fréquence Cardiaque ECG
FT232RL FTDI Convertisseur USB a TTL
Gyroscope MPU6050
Capteur HMC5883L Champ Magnétique
L298N Driver moteur Cartes d'extension Nano HC-SR04 Ultrason ultrasonic HC-12 sans fil 1000m 433Mhz DHT11 DHT 11 Capteur d'empreinte Digitale Gps NEO6MV2 Capteur Infrarouge GSM / GPRS SIM800L V2.0 5V Bluetooth HC05 HC06 nRF24L01 2.4G PA/LNA nrf24l01 shield moteurs L293D Micro Servo Tower Pro SG90 Relais 1 Canal 5 V shield SIM900 GSM/GPRS Capteur gaz MQ2 CNC Shield v4 Nano MB102 Module D'alimentation 3.3 V 5 V Ramps 1.4 mega A4988 HX711 Convertisseur 24 bits Load Cell Servo MG996R 15 kg-cm Buzzer actif 5V Capteur force 10 kg HX711 Ethernet Shield W5100 Wifi ESP8266 ESP01 Capteur Courant ACS712 5A ou 20A tension B25 MT8870 DTMF BMP280 Pression Barométrique couleur TCS3200 télécommande infra-rouge ESP Wroom 32 mouvement HC-SR501 DHT22 DHT 22 RC522 NFC RFID PN532 TP4056 5v 1A Lecteur Carte SD usb ttl PL2303 Clavier 16 touches souple attiny85 humidité du sol ATMEGA328P-PU Microcontrôleur
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